The McKinley Youth and their families were challenged to donate 100 hours of service to McKinley over the summer. We are very excited that the goal has been reached and exceeded. As of August 8, 112 hours have been given to the Garden Hills Food Pantry, the Giving Garden, the Canteen Run, CWS school kits, Meals on Wheels, Cunningham Home and the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen. Thanks goes to Cody Sweet, Reuben Birdwell, Olivia Mitchell-Miller, Gus, Graham, Arwen, and Wodan Hatch, Anthony Wantland, Daniel and Addy McHenry, James Griffiths, Danny Weider, Huck and Lucien Collins, Sage Schiaretti, Joan Hahn, and Caleb Holterman.
Way to go, McKinley Youth and Families!