Committees are the engines that drive the work we do at McKinley. We are always in need of volunteers, whether to sit on committees or to help host special events sponsored by McKinley. Some committees operate under the governance of the McKinley Foundation Board; others operate under the governance of the McKinley Church Session; and even more are joint committees of both organizations. You do not need to be a church member to participate on any of the foundation or joint committees, and many of the church committees as well. If you are interested in finding out how you can help, please contact the committee chair or staff liaison. You may also fill out this volunteer interest form.
Artists’ Alley (Foundation): Assist in the promotion and selection of artists and exhibits to be displayed in our art gallery. Other duties may include planning exhibit opening receptions and assistance with installations. No formal art background is necessary.
Committee Chairs: Masumi Iriye, Barbara England
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Buildings and Grounds (Joint): Oversee all activities associated with the operation, maintenance, safety and security of all buildings, grounds, furnishings and equipment, except items expressly the responsibility of another committee.
Committee Chair: Margo Chaney
Staff Liaison: Jennifer Wetzel
Christian Education (Church): Select and implement curriculum for weekly preschool and elementary Sunday school. Organized service projects for children and youth. Plan family social events. Supervise volunteer and paid childcare workers.
Chair: Sara McHenry
Staff Liaison: Sara McHenry
Communications (Joint): Plans and coordinates communications including the website, weekly newsletters, social media, and more. This includes internal communications, as well as outreach to the wider community.
Committee chair: Lara Hebert
Staff Liaison: Sara McHenry
Fellowship Care (Church): Coordinates food, fun and fellowship for many church events. This includes a Sunday morning Coffee Hour, dinners for Thanksgiving and Palm Sunday, summer ice cream socials, and receptions for special recognitions. It also supports and nurtures the congregation through a Meal Train, a Share the Care program for members in need of short and long term care, receptions for memorial services, and phone calls, gift baskets, letters and visits of encouragement.
Committee Chair: Barbara England
Staff Liaison: Sara McHenry
Film (Foundation): Assist in the promotion and selection of films to be screened. Other duties may include organizing panel discussions around a film.
Committee Chair: Matt Gladney
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Finance (Church): Review financial reports and develop the budget, budget guidelines, and internal controls.
Treasurer: Paula Hancock
Staff Liaison: Sara Norbot
Finance (Foundation): Oversee the financial operations of the organization. Review financial reports and develop the budget, budget guidelines, and internal controls
Treasurer: Nancy Fuller
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Grants & Scholarships (Joint): Develop and implement guidelines for and awards of academic scholarships and community grants. In addition, this committee organizes fundraising events to support these programs.
Committee Chair: Alicia Trezise
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Green Team (Joint): Connect the McKinley community’s practices and traditions with concerns and solutions for our shared land, water, and air, and justice for our neighbors. Educate and motivate our community to incorporate environmental consciousness into all activities, and celebrate accomplishments.
Committee Chair: Jenna Frye
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Nominating (Church): Responsible for communicating about and recruiting interested candidates to serve on the Church Session, ensuring continuity, diverse representation, and active participation in the Life, Coordination, and Unity of the Church.
Committee Chair:
Staff Liaison: Heidi Weatherford
Nominating (Foundation): Communicates board volunteer opportunities and articulates the skills and experience needed for specific board roles. This committee is responsible for developing a comprehensive and strategic slate of candidates that meets the current and future needs of the Foundation. Additionally, this committee is responsible for board succession planning to ensure the continued strength and continuity of the Board of Directors.
Committee Chair: Mike Cain
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock
Personnel (Joint): The functions of the Personnel Committee include hiring and firing of staff, conducting annual evaluations, developing personnel policies for board approval, developing job descriptions, annually reviewing staff salaries and benefits package.
Committee Chair: Kathie Spegal
Staff Liaisons: Paula Hancock, Heidi Weatherford
Student Outreach (Joint): Plan and host events to welcome students to the life of McKinley and to empower them to see the importance of social justice through service, e.g., student dinners, mission/service trip, local community service projects, holiday celebrations.
Committee Chair: Trudy Diepholtz
Staff Liaison: Paula Hancock