McKinley is a complex organization that functions only because of its staff and volunteer leaders. We bring diverse gifts and interests that help us to not only survive, but to thrive. It is because of the service in our midst that we are able to be such a strong representative for social justice in the community.
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Becoming an Abundant Community of Hope: McKinley’s Appreciative Adaptive Action Process
Beginning in 2015, members of McKinley Church, Foundation, and Presby Hall began a process of Appreciative Inquiry to develop a set of Provocative Propositions that would become a compass for decision making and collaboration. We identified a core focus for our work, as well as a set of vision statements, known as Provocative Propositions. In 2020, we revisited and revised the Provocative Propositions and defined a set of relevant Action Steps. Each year, through a cycle of leadership meetings known as “Coordinating Council,” we regularly revisit each provocative proposition to identify successes and barriers, and through a process of Adaptive Action, we establish new action steps to guide the efforts of our various committees and leadership groups as we continuously strive toward Becoming an Abundant Community of Hope by working toward these Provocative Propositions.
2020 Provocative Propositions: The Vision of McKinley Memorial Church and Foundation is to Become an Abundant Community of Hope by
- providing safe and welcoming spaces,
- taking the lead in empowering community and student participation in acts of social justice (e.g. racial reconciliation, advocacy for the marginalized, food security, environmental sustainability and justice), and
- improving communication and adaptive action processes.
To be successful in our vision, we need
- coherent and transparent communication,
- clarity of roles and partnerships, and
- fiscal responsibility.
View the full set of 2020 Provocative Propositions along with related Action Steps
View the most recent artifacts from the Coordinating Council Discussions:
- Providing Safe and Welcoming Spaces / Improving Communication [Oct 2023]
- Taking the Lead in Empowering Community and Student Participation in Acts of Social Justice [July 2023]
Annual Reports
Learn more about the many initiatives of McKinley and the ways to be involved more deeply in the decision-making and actions of the Church and Foundation. View the annual reports of McKinley Memorial Presbyterian Church.
- FY2023
- FY2021
Communication Committee Request
McKinley Leaders: Please use this form to notify the communications committee of any website corrections or updates, as well as needed social media posts for official McKinley activities or news.