McKinley Church is conducting an annual stewardship drive thoughout the month of February. The theme this year is “Live Generously—Share God’s Blessings.” In each newsletter during February, McKinley members have agreed to share their experiences and some of what McKinley means to them. It is hoped that these stories and those shared during Sunday morning worship will encourage others to pledge to the annual campaign in support of all McKinley’s programs. 100% of McKinley elders have committed to pledging to the campaign and hope that you will join them. Pledge forms are available at the back of the sanctuary each week and online via this link. Thank you!
This week, the Griffiths family is sharing their McKinley story.
What McKinley Means to Us
The Griffiths family is blended when it comes to faith. While Isak and James are Eastern Orthodox, David, Breana, and Trae have found their home at McKinley. For Breana, “Growing up as a foster kid was not easy, but this church was patient and gave me a sense of home that I deeply needed.” David sees McKinley as the most compassionate, welcoming, and open community he’s ever encountered. “This was true when I was a struggling undergraduate here in the 1980s, and it remains true today,” he says. Trae, Breana, and David all appreciate the wide range of opportunities McKinley gives them to serve others. The youth group’s mission trips and the work of the Compassion, Peace, and Justice Committee are just two examples.