McKinley Church is conducting an annual stewardship drive thoughout the month of February. The theme this year is “Live Graciously—Share God’s Blessings.” In each newsletter during February, McKinley members have agreed to share their experiences and some of what McKinley means to them. It is hoped that these stories and those shared during Sunday morning worship will encourage others to pledge to the annual campaign in support of all of McKinley’s programs. 100% of the McKinley elders have committed to pledge and hope you will join them. Pledge forms are available at the back of the sanctuary each week and online, or scan the QR code below.
This week, Linda McGowan has graciously agreed to share her McKinley story:
“When I moved to Champaign Urbana about seven years ago, my daughter gave me a list of important contacts. Things like utilities, the bank, the veterinarian, and the dentist were listed. One church, McKinley Presbyterian, also was on the list. After being here several weeks, I decided to go to church. Since McKinley was on the list, that’s where I decided to go. I was welcomed warmly and have not regretted my decision. I joined, have sung in the choir, been on the Compassion, Peace, and Justice committee, and on the Session.”