Join us at 7 p.m. on Saturday, December 24 as McKinley members tell the Christmas story through scripture lessons and Christmas carols. The service will end with candle lighting and song.
Because of the predicted wind chill and McKinley sanctuary often being an unpredictable temperature, it may be best to dress in layers. Also, COVID/Flu/RSV transmission rates are high in Champaign county so we ask everyone to mask up for their own safety and the safety of others.
Parking is available across from the church in the 5th street garage (on holidays and Sunday).
What if the weather is bad on Christmas Eve?
We will only cancel worship on Christmas Eve if the roads are impassable and local government officials ask us to stay home. If we do cancel worship, we will send out a special e-newsletter announcement about the cancellation. We will ask WCIA and other local radio stations to add us to the cancellation list. It will also be posted on the McKinley Facebook page.
If there is no announcement via e-newsletter, social media, TV, and radio, then the service will proceed as planned!
However, while the McKinley Foundation staff will be clearing the walks and steps on Saturday, there is always a chance that winds may continue to blow snow onto the pathways after they are done. Therefore, use your best judgement and stay home if you feel worried or unsafe walking. You can watch us online!