For the entire month of September, the McKinley Foundation is sponsoring a “Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser” for its student ministry and social justice activities. In the spirit of good fun, and also to celebrate Pride month in Champaign-Urbana, a group of flamingo wranglers will be quietly delivering flocks of pink flamingo yard ornaments to friends, family, businesses, and other churches.

These flamingos will roost on a lawn for 3 days until they migrate to another lawn. To specify who gets flocked next, click here to fill out the form, and make a donation of any amount to the McKinley Foundation. (Donating through the website requires using PayPal or a debit or credit card. To pay by check, contact the email address or phone number listed below.) Of course, the removal of these flamingos will be done at no charge, so please don’t hurt our pink-feathered friends.
Don’t want flamingos flocking to your yard? Protect yourself by purchasing “anti-flocking insurance.” To book your flock or to purchase anti-flocking insurance, contact the Flamingo Hotline at or call 217-344-0297. Thank you for your good humor and support!