- “Pickup choir” rehearsal: 9:50 a.m. in the sanctuary.
- Fellowship: 10 a.m. in our basement fellowship space. Join others for treats, drinks, and conversation before worship.
- Worship: 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary. This Sunday will be our annual Epiphany celebration. In addition to the first communion service of 2020, we will sing Epiphany carols from around the world and help the magi find the holy family. We also welcome to the pulpit Brett Eisenhauer, a McKinley alumnae studying for the ministry. Brett will reflect on her year as a Young Adult Volunteer, serving as an intern with Everyone Home DC, an organization which assists the homeless on Washington, DC.
- For children and youth: Nursery care will be available for children birth through kindergarten during worship. Elementary children and youth will participate in the intergenerational worship service.