The McKinley Youth invite you to stay after church this Sunday, February 4, for the Annual Chili Cook Off. We will be selling tickets along with our Fair Trade items to support our mission trips and service projects.
Tickets sell for $6 a person or $20 a family. College students eat free as guests of our Student Ministry Committee and need to sign in at the door.
The cook off takes place in the Presby Dining Hall south of the church. Enter through the McKinley Foundation entrance and use the stairs or elevator to go up to the dining hall.
There will be lots of tasty regular, vegetarian, and spicy chili entries. This is a great way to introduce someone new to McKinley and we hope you, your family, and your friends will join us.
** Special Note to all Chili Chefs who plan to enter!**
We have many entries but always welcome some on the day of the event. If you wish to make a last minute entry, you will need to bring it to the Presby Dining Hall before worship. We remind you that our safety requirements ask that you heat chili to at least 165 degrees at home and bring it in a container ready to plug in.