Sunday, October 29 features Rev. Cindy Shepherd as our guest preacher. The liturgists will be Kathie Spegal and Pastor Heidi, while Alonza Lawrence and the worship team will lead the other parts of service.
Did you know that Cindy Shepherd helped McKinley create our Green Team and ultimately our Giving Garden? Cindy is the Green Team Director for Faith in Place.
From the Faith in Place website:
Faith in Place partners with communities of faith from diverse religious traditions as well as people who identify as spiritual or motivated by justice but don’t identify with a specific faith tradition.
Our partners and Green Teams (groups of three or more people from a spiritual community or area who join to create healthier communities by advancing environmental and racial justice) represent diverse traditions, including Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant Christian churches; Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist denomination Jewish synagogues; Muslim mosques; and Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Ancestral & Tribal Traditions, and Baha’i houses of worship.